Christmas Crafts!

Crochet, Sewing

So I’ve finally found the time to sit down and do some work on some Christmas sewing and crocheting for the Etsy shop! It’s been so long since I’ve sat at my desk to do something crafty as I’ve been so busy engaging with my new University course (which I am so so happy on (see here for my other blog). I enjoy every minute of crafting, and with Christmas being my absolute favourite time of the year the two combine couldn’t make me any happier! The sewn table runners are now up in my Etsy store as you should see from the previous post, and I’m hoping to have the blankets done soon too!


Christmas is Here!!


I am so excited to announce that the Christmas items are now up in my Etsy store! At present there is only one style up in the shop but there is another on the way. It’s handmade, a patchwork, quilted, and not to mention gorgeous! The price includes delivery and is a great price for a handmade Christmas piece. It measures around 2m x 30cm and is an ideal size for the average dining table.


Sneak Peek…


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I’m currently working on a few projects quietly, and I’d like to now share with you my thoughts and ideas for the development of my shop…

Firstly, a card holder-I know first hand how frustrating it is to not have a clubcard or member card when you need it, when you’ve had to leave it behind because it simply will not fit in your purse. In todays day and age we have more cards than we know what to do with, and simply no room in a purse.

I first considered the idea whilst I was at work last week. I asked a lady for her clubcard for me to scan and she opened up a nifty little ‘wallet’ for all her cards. No more bulging purse, no more forgetting a card, she had them all stored in one easy place. At this point I was amazed by the idea as as basic as it sounds it had never crossed my mind before. And in the same day, I had another lady hand me the same, so I knew it wasn’t just a one off and that they were evidently becoming more popular.

So being the crafter I am, and having finished with my education for the summer, I did what any crafter would do, look up how to make my own! I haven’t really looked at the cost of buying one, nor do I want to, it’s not something I’m interested in doing when I can make my own exactly as I would like.

I personally am not one for the patterns of others with things I’m fairly competent at, such as sewing. Crochet on the other hand I only know basics of and would likely need a pattern. I looked at a few patterns online for a card holder, and whether it’s because I’d already decided in the back of my mind that I wanted to make it, or whether I simply just didn’t have the patience to read and follow a pattern, I decided to make my own pattern too.

As you can imagine this was easier said than done, a few kilos of paper and around 4 litres of tea later and I had a rough pattern. I tried out the pattern with a few scraps and decided that I just didn’t like it. It needed far too many tweaks to make it worth keeping. So I kept some of the rough ideas, and began to simply make. I can remember what I did and how I made it, and decided that I needed to really get involved with the project and just get on with it, rather than pouring too much over a pattern.

And so eventually I ended up with a gorgeous ‘card wallet’ for myself. My own still needs a binding, and some adjusting in certain places, and so the picture I’m using is not the entirely completed item as I’m not 100% happy with it yet. I intend to write up the actual pattern in a few days time, and list up the option to buy one of the card wallets, or buy the pattern 0n my Etsy shop should you be interested in taking a look 🙂





Just a Quick Notice


I have rekindled my activity on my Etsy shop and would like to invite you all to take a look at the sale items that are currently up: The sole reason for them being cheaper is simply because I don’t have the room to keep them for much longer unfortunately.

There will be pictures just beneath this last comment showing which are for sale, the majority are patchworks and are quilted, however there is one crochet blanket to date.