A Little Treat for All Crocheter’s!


Please note these designs and photographs DO NOT belong to me! Full credit is given to the lady in the links below!


I am so so pleased to be able to share with you a find of mine from yesterday! I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, and saw a beautiful picture of some custom made crochet hooks. They had my attention straight from the off, I have honestly never seen such beautiful creations before, and then I continued to read the post beneath it. It’s with a heavy heart that I share the story with you, this lovely lady had unfortunately had a few of her custom designs stolen by somebody else who was passing it off as their own.

As a ‘handmaker’ of all of my items that I sell and keep for myself, I can fully appreciate how heart wrenching it is to have somebody not only take an idea or design you’ve created, but to also make a profit on the back of your hard work. What goes around, comes around, and hopefully the lady will get her comeuppance one day.

BUT-To the good stuff, where you can find the incredibly talented lady:

Etsy Shop: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/TheCraftyTash

Instagram: @thecraftytash

I myself will be purchasing from this shop very very soon hopefully, the hardest decision will only be whether to have a custom one, one that is already up in the shop, or both!

Please also if you see any of her designs on another platform that doesn’t belong to her, then please report it on that platform, I’m informed that the issue is coming to an end but it can’t hurt to keep an eye out!