A Little Something Different…

Bullet Journal

Starting a bullet journal was one of the best things I ever did. There’s so many different types of diaries, and notebooks, and spreadsheets that I’ve had and tried and because things are always changing or they require too much of a routine, they’ve trailed off and been left unfinished and unused. The bullet journal gives me the chance to work at my own pace and makes the whole thing relevant and practical. The idea to start one came from Pinterest, and I began adding to my own bullet journal board with inspiration and ideas and worked from there.

My first issue was finding one, although as it turned out, it wasn’t much of an issue at all. Usually notebooks with a nice front and elastic to keep it together is pricey, but as luck would have it a trip into Morrisons allowed me to find a dirt cheap £2 notebook that was exactly what I wanted. The front began to bore me after a while so I simply painted it and stuck things to it to really make it mine (see pictures below).  They aren’t perfect but they suit me, and allowed me to be creative with paint freely which I’ve not had the chance to do for a while.

I have a personal journal, and one I have started for our upcoming holiday to Florida for keepsakes and planning. I’m quite happy to eventually start putting up some of my pages and potentially upload them to my YouTube also. I feel like decorating the front really gives them a sense of personality and belonging and constantly makes me want to pick them up and work in them.

There is no real right and wrong way to have your own journal but I wanted it to look the way the ones I had seen did, and for that I needed to do some looking around (again, Pinterest was my go-to, as well as YouTube).

My favourite inspiration sources in particular were:

Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/ParkerandMe/bullet-journal/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leLTEwGYgew

All in all I’ve found it’s been a nice place to wind-down and express myself as well as keeping track of the things that I’m usually so busy I lose sight of. I’m particularly interested to see how the tracker for my moods develop to maybe encourage myself to make more of an effort to source any issues or patterns.

So if you’re looking for something to develop at your own pace with anything you want to give yourself a small, safe, creative place to collect yourself, then definitely begin a bullet journal!

Begin at the Beginning…

Bullet Journal, Crochet, Sewing

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I am incredibly excited to introduce this website as an introduction to me selling my custom, handmade, crocheted blankets. I am 19 years of age, and I started my crochet hobby a few years ago now, and haven’t really stopped since. It began with my mum buying me a crochet magazine, I tried as hard as I could and I just couldn’t grasp it. After a few months of it being kept buried in a wardrobe I decided to take it back out again, and more out of sheer fustration than anything else, I sat down and just tried over and over again to get it right.

Low and behold, eventually, I managed to grasp it and I finally learnt how to crochet. It started off small, a few granny squares, a runner for the bottom of my nan’s bed, scarves for my ‘newphew and niece’, and grew to baby blankets for friends, and a blanket for myself.

I feel I’ve reached a point now where I am ready to take custom orders, in order to sell my blankets for others to enjoy. I have started a few projects now and have decided to stop simply because I have no room to keep keeping them for myself. And I know some people choose to sell on the blankets they have made, but I find if you’re going to buy something worth upwards of £20, you’d like something a bit more personal. Therefore, I have begun this website with the intention of being able to sell my blankets.

If you’re interested in taking a look then please feel free to use the Custom Blanket Options tab (or click the link). And if you have any questions or requests for a custom order please use the Contact tab (again, or link) to let me know.

These blankets can make for perfect gifts for friends, family members, baby showers, or even pets to line their bed. The options available can be seen in the Custom Blanket Options tab, and after making a few-if not most-of these blankets as gifts for others, I can hand on heart say they are a beautiful gift to give, and the same to receive (or so I’m told!). Please feel free to also take a look at my Facebook page, and if you get the chance, to like it.

I hope to make the rest of my posts in this blog section, about the projects that I am begining, and show you the results from start to finish… I look forward to hearing from you, or even just your follow/like on facebook or on this website for support. Many thanks!